Strike two poisonous snakes at once

Although all the songs in “Selected Songs for Young Children Volume 5” are highly political in content, they are not always  and uniform in tone and subject. Take, for example, the two songs I have chosen to translate for today:





Strike two poisonous snakes at once

The Little Red Guards (hey) have a strong will to fight, devoting ourselves to revolution we become red flowers.  Take the lead in criticising Lin Biao and Confucius, tread the Way of Confucius and Mencius underfoot.

Strike two poisonous snakes at once, oppose and prevent revisionism with a resolute heart. Strike two poisonous snakes at once, oppose and prevent revisionism with a resolute heart. Cleanse poisonous weeds, nourish the crops, create a glorious red Jiangshan.





Each generation is stronger than the last

We of this generation are China’s glorious youth. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has forged us into steel.

Dare to go against the tide, follow the Party forever, become a solid wall to oppose and prevent revisionism.

We are one thousand million little generals ready to inherit the revolution. Each generation is stronger than the last, each generation is stronger than the last.